Our Services

Talent Identification

Identifying and sourcing talented professionals in Southern Africa, including health professionals, who are interested in working in North America.

Recruit & Screening

We handle the recruitment process from start to finish. This includes conducting interviews, verifying qualifications.

Visa & Work Permit

We provide comprehensive assistance with visa and work permit processing, making the transition for professionals smoother and more efficient.

Cultural Orientation & Training

We offer cultural orientation & training programs to help professionals acclimate to North American norms, work environments, and healthcare practices.

Job Placement Assistance

We match professionals' skills, qualifications, and preferences with suitable job opportunities, ensuring a seamless placement process.

Relocation Services

We assist professionals with relocation logistics, including travel arrangements, housing support, and settling-in services, to ensure a smooth transition.

Your Identity

Professional Development Support

We believe in continuous professional growth. We provide ongoing support and resources to help health professionals enhance their skills and stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices

Your Identity

Fostering a sense of community among the professionals we work with

Community Building

Sevenza Services organizes networking events, support groups, and social gatherings to facilitate connections and promote a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Ongoing Support & Advocacy

We offer ongoing support, including access to counseling services, mentorship programs, and assistance with any challenges or concerns that may arise

Are You Ready to Take the Next Leap?